June 2011 – Waud Classic 2011 Start Sheet

Here is the start sheet for the 29th Waud Classic at Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club.


Format: 3 ball stableford

Match Tee Time Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
1 1 8.30 Will Goodliffe (10) James Gunning (0) (#) Jeremy Lee (13)
2 1 8.37 Steve Sapsford (12) Mike O’Connor (18) Howard Gooden (21)
3 1 8.44 Charles Waud (8) Harry Gooden (21) Paul Simpson (16)
4 1 8.51 Fred Mack (20) Simon Ford (19) Dan Burstow (3)
5 16 8.51 Malcolm Rae (18) Gary Yardley (18) Doc Watson (15)
6 1 8.58 Jeremy Waud (6) Ian Hemming (17) Lesley Grant (20)
7 16 8.58 Steve Wright (23) John French (9) Richard Lewis (19)
8 1 9.05 Myles Waud (12) Jamie Wright (28) Alex Gregory (15)
9 16 9.05 James Gooden (18) James Cavell (24) Tim Gooden (21)
10 1 9.12 Graham Atkins (24) Steve Waud (19) Graeme Love (20)
11 1 9.19 Paul Shinerock (28) Haas Williamson (24) Alan Cavell (17)
12 1 9.26 Roy Rose (15) Nigel Guthrie (12) Robert Scull (18) (##)
13 1 9.33 Adrian Goldsmith (13) Graham Williams (19)

(#) Take longest drive marker for 10th and nearest to the pin on the 6th & 14th
(##) Bring in the markers from the 6th, 10th and 14th



Format: 3 ball sixsomes stableford. (other than Group 6 which will be a 4 ball eightsomes)

Time Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
1 13.45 W Goodliffe (#) & S Sapsford J Gunning & M O’Connor J Lee & FG Gooden
2 13.54 C Waud & F Mack H Gooden & S Ford P Simpson & D Burstow
3 14.03 M Rae & J Waud G Yardley & I Hemming D Watson & L Grant
4 14.12 S Wright & M Waud J French & J Wright R Lewis & A Gregory
5 14.21 J Gooden & G Atkins J Cavell & S Waud T Gooden & G Love
6 14.30 P Shinerock & R Rose H Williamson & N Guthrie A Cavell (##) & R Scull A Goldsmith & G Williams

(#) Take out the longest drive marker to be used for the nearest to the pin in two on the 14th

(##) Bring in the markers from the 14th